Trinity of Broken Color

Image Attribution: “Trinity of Broken Color” by Jayamuni Silva is licensed under CC0. (See interactive map)


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1 Comment

  1. The Colours of the glass and cutlery go cohesively and help distinguish between the 2 types of items. the spoon and knife reflecting into the smaller glass is a nice touch showing the 3 dimensionality of the cups and cutlery. the reflections and shadows of the cup spoon and knife match and keep up the 2D feel of the work. I appreciate the line at the back to appear that these items are sitting on a table instead of floating in white space.

    the tones and shades of the color push the 3D feel of the items as well as the water in the cups is obvious but blends in with the rest of the coloring. the 3rd cup in front appears to have 3 spoons in it from reflections I wish it looked a bit less like 3 spoon heads without handles. overall the composition is well done and i like that its not floating

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