Transformation Drawing

Image Attribution: “Transformation Drawing” by Emma Viventi is licensed under CC0. (See interactive map)


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  1. Renee Rogers

    There’s a good composition with a clear flow through the page as the eyes go from upper left to down in the middle and back to the upper right part of the paper. I do like the flow of the piece and I feel like the sticks of the two suckers on the right side in particular help lead the eye. I also quite liked the use of negative space in the composition. There is a good use of tones with the darkest darks being the pupil/shadow of the sucker’s wrapper and the inside of the bag. There’s also the lightest areas being used as highlights in the eyes and on the bag. Nice use of hatching with the transformation. The lines help create that 3D effect and form of the eye/sucker. There could be a little more care with the hatching in the bag, using it to create a little more of a shape to it. What material/texture is the bag made of? How does it interact with gravity? These are a few things that might be helped with more intentional hatching or line work. Amazing piece!

  2. Annika Ryan

    Overall, the piece has amazing direction and really gather momentum from the transformation to another.the shading is smooth around the eye area which gives it real texture and character.
    One aspects I wish you could have worked on more is the details in the plastic bag and created a more clearer dark areas in the project itself,

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