Transformation artwork, fantasy fish to cat

Image Attribution: “Transformation artwork, fantasy fish to cat” by Annika ryan is licensed under a different open license (). (See interactive map)


Hello there, this is my assignment for my project

I wanted to challenge myself and had an interesting time working with charcoal and adding detail


what I learned

what I learned is the value of grey shading and different techniques in charcoal work, from hatching to using water to add more detail.

what I would do to improve

next assignment I hope to look into improving my texture in charcoal work and looking into planning my structure better in my pieces.

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1 Comment

  1. The overall concept is very whimsical and fun! I do think the Fish and cats in the river could have been a bit more obvious or darker-toned to bring them out. the cat wizard at the top is a great touch that I appreciate adding to the story. the background and textures are detailed and shaded well.

    the shading of the background is brought out more than the cats which pulls away from the overall transition. although the background adds to the scene and pulls you into another word.

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