Still Life

Image Attribution: “Still Life” by Isabelle is licensed under CC0. (See interactive map)


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1 Comment

  1. Renee Rogers

    The eyes flow through the piece at a diagonal line from bottom left to top right, this is aided by both the objects and the delineation between the wall and surface being on a diagonal. The bottle overlapping in front of the jug creates nice depth, as well as the shadows and reflections on the wall. There is a lot of hatching and the lines define the 3D shape of the objects. Mostly warm colours are used, with some cooler ones (greens), and the hatching adds to the broken colour feel. Also because the bottle is such a different colour from the rest of the piece, it becomes the main focal point. What could help improve the piece is to move away from greys for shadows and instead use complimentary colours to create more dynamism and complimentary colours would also make it feel even more like a broken colour piece. Also the reflections in the wall could be amplified, just like how bright the bottleā€™s reflection is on the jug. This could create more interesting aspects to the composition. I did really enjoy this piece, especially with its use of cross-hatching.

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