Spider cat Lynx

Image Attribution: “Spider cat Lynx” by Annika Ryan is licensed under CC0. (See interactive map)


Prompts Welcoming, Lynx, flowering


bonus : Jumping Spider

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1 Comment

  1. Renee Rogers

    The composition does pull the eye through the drawing: The background is on a diagonal from the bottom left to the top right of the page and the cats are the opposite, going from bottom right to top left, which draws the eye to the middle of the page where these sections intersect. The biggest lynx being in the middle also helps create a clear focal point. There is a good range of tones used in the piece, going very dark in the background, which creates a nice contrast with the lighter tones in the cats. There’s some nice hatching in the fur and in the grass which creates a soft texture that comes through quite nicely. I appreciate the different use of line work for the leaves/petals as well. To improve the piece, finishing the top part of the middle lynx might be a good idea because it looks cut off. Another small thing might be to consider exactly where the spider eyes are placed on the face, as I noticed that they’re a little inconsistent from cat to cat. Again, these are small things and overall this is a great drawing!

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