Noun, Verb, Adjective

Image Attribution: “Noun, Verb, Adjective” by Emily Berg is licensed under a different open license (). (See interactive map)


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  1. Verb: Beautifying, Adjective Burned, Noun: Butterly

  2. Alyssa Ingram

    This drawing has great cross-hatching and use of dark darks and light lights by using the blank paper. That being said, this drawing might benefit from a higher tonal range. The mid-tones in the piece are drowned by the bold contour lines around the wings, bringing the mid-tones into the cells of the wings could even this out and bring harmony to the piece. I feel the proportions are accurate and the scale is well framed within the paper to get this prompt across. I am not getting the “Burned” effect, this could be improved with larger dark areas around those areas and loosening those contour lines and making them feel more singed. Overall, I love the concept. Good Job!

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