noun, adjective, verb drawing (laughing, giant, mouse)

Image Attribution: “noun, adjective, verb drawing (laughing, giant, mouse)” by Justin Komljenovich is licensed under CC0. (See interactive map)


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1 Comment

  1. Jayde Richter

    The composition of this piece is similar to the Golden Ratio; The shadow curves from the focal point, the singular mouse with a monstrous dark side, to the bottom corner, where a pair of mice stare in fear. The shape of the shadow guides the eye from the center, through the details and texture of the ‘giant’, to the foreground, and then back around again. This shadow shape creates depth within the image as it travels from foreground to background, and from wall to floor. The eye is constantly circulating with interest.

    Strong mark making is used to create the illusion of texture in the fur of the shadow and shape of the flashlight. Faint mark making is used to create the delicate details of the repetitive mouths and add softness to the small mice. There is a wide tonal range of darks and lights. The high contrast emphasizes the thematic relationship between the white, innocent mice and the dark, frightening monster. The piece works as an intriguing narrative.

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