Hybrid Assignment

Image Attribution: “Hybrid Assignment” by Renee Rogers is licensed under CC0. (See interactive map)


Noun: Agate (dendritic)

Adjective: Tearful

Verb: Evaporate

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1 Comment

  1. Emma Viventi

    The subject being central, but turned and looking off in the opposite direction, makes the composition interesting and gives the piece more of a story. Black and white are used very well in this piece, the dark background compared to the beam of light gives it dramatic contrast. Although the beam of light is facing the subject, it could be more focused on them, possibly cutting it off before the edge of the paper. There is a bit of shadow on the subject but it could be quite a bit more prominent to show how dramatic the light is and make a more of a distinct difference between the beam of light and the subject. On the rocks the lines curve with it, giving it great shape and dimension. As well as the beam of light, the lines being closer together near the edge, and further apart in the middle gives it a nice curve. The leaf design works well but could be a bit lighter and the face a bit darker to shift the focus from one to the other.

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