Cross hatching hybridity assignment: Stupid Fish, Stupid Man

Image Attribution: “Cross hatching hybridity assignment: Stupid Fish, Stupid Man” by Kyle Sheehan is licensed under a different open license (). (See interactive map)


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  1. Adjective : Gormless
    Noun: Ocean
    Verb: Heave

  2. Alyssa Ingram

    This drawing is well composed, has movement, and is very visually interesting. This comes across through the strategic mark making in the form of hatching and cross-hatching, not only building tones, but creating texture that draws the eye across the piece. The shadows coming up from the bottom of the page depicting depth in the water works very well, I feel as if those dramatic shadows could be added to the subject a bit more, try to achieve more dark darks to increase the contrast and overall drama of the subject. I feel the use of prominent contour lines around the subjects was a great choice for this scene, it allows the subject to fade into the environment without being lost or getting confused. Overall, I love this drawing, the mark making shows the emotion that the subject is portraying and the environment fits very well. Well done Kyle!

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