Cherry Transformation

Image Attribution: “Cherry Transformation” by Jayde Richter is licensed under a different open license (). (See interactive map)


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1 Comment

  1. Isabelle Teichroeb

    The composition pulls the eye around the drawing really well, starting with the woman’s face entering the top left corner, and finishing in the bottom right. This creates an interesting diagonal, and the first and final stages of transformation just slightly leaving the page enhance the softness created in the scene portrayed. There is some sense of depth in the drawing due to the flow of the sheets, but I think the first stage of transformation could be pushed back and the cherries brought slightly forward (larger) if you wanted to emphasize a sense of 3-dimensional space.
    I really appreciate the full tonal range in the piece and how these tones are balanced throughout the image. Different types of mark-making effectively create differences in texture between the hair, the sheet, and the cherries. The visual elements are proportional to each other and give a really good sense of 3-dimensional objects. I think the third stage of transition is particularly effective, as it looks as thought the faces are being encased in the waxy-glass of the cherry texture. Adding a 5th stage of transition somewhere in between (if you wanted to create a very busy piece) might hold interest even longer than it does already.

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