Broken Color Still Life: Disco Ball

Image Attribution: “Broken Color Still Life: Disco Ball” by Jayde Richter is licensed under a different open license (). (See interactive map)


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1 Comment

  1. Alyssa Ingram

    The optical colour mix in this piece is very well done, the piece feels alive. The composition works well, the empty space almost frames the still life, giving it an importance without it looking like it is floating or needing an environment. The reflections are done very well, and are not confusing the subjects, this being said, I feel the disco ball reflections could be curved to match the position of the ball. I like the objects you chose to set up the still life for this drawing/prompt, but in relation to the assignment, I would have liked to see more prominent refraction. I find it difficult to pick something out of this piece that is obviously refracting. Overall, this is a piece I would display on my wall, it is beautiful and interesting and I do not get tired looking at it. Well done Jayde!

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