Bird Fountain

Image Attribution: “Bird Fountain” by Jayde Richter is licensed under a different open license (). (See interactive map)


Adjective: Ephemeral

Verb: Carving

Noun: Fountain

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1 Comment

  1. Critique from Kyle Sheehan

    The composition in this piece is great. Having the bird in the bottom right corner swooping in creates the feeling of this being a frame out of something moving in time. It feels natural. With such a challenging perspective, it’s impressive that you’ve still been able to communicate that this is a fountain viewed from above. I do think that the shadows could have been brought further forward in each bowl to create more obvious depth. The dead bird with a human face is an incredibly interesting idea that I wish was more apparent to the viewer. I also feel that bird looks a bit disconnected from the water it’s supposed to be lying in; since the flow of the water does not alter in anyway for the corpse. I would create and define some ripples around the dead bird. Otherwise, this is an excellent piece.

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