Assignment 4 Layering

Image Attribution: “Assignment 4 Layering” by Emily is licensed under a different open license (). (See interactive map)


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  1. Justin Komljenovich

    I think this piece is a little disorganized or disconnected. You can make pieces look a bit more chaotic, but it can fit together if it has the right anchor in the center. Picasso’s Guernica is chaotic, but it works all together: it is controlled chaos. I feel this person wanted to structure it more, but fell short. I feel the shading is too soft everywhere. There should be a wider range of darker tones. I also feel the focal point is underdeveloped. There is no focus to the eye. I think the artist could have taken more of a risk in the piece. The boxes could be more figurative or surrealist in nature. There could have been just a bit more of a creative use of the objects in the piece so they could be more connected together. I am not sure how complete this piece is. Perhaps the final product is different.

  2. I love the choice of breaking this artwork into pieces. But it’s very hard to tell different tonal values and what certain objects/ things are due to the way this piece is broken up, unfortunately.

    figuring out a more calculated layout may have helped you further in this process, the pouring juice would have been more readable on two pieces of paper instead of three, and adding more elements on the outer edges of the artwork would have guided the viewer’s eye more to explore the fact this piece is created on multiple pieces of paper.

    I get the idea trying to be portrayed and I think it’s very cute! but more work on values, mark-making, and overall planning would have added more strength to this artwork

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