Assignment 4 layering (water colour, finished)

Image Attribution: “Assignment 4 layering (water colour, finished)” by Justin Komljenovich is licensed under CC0. (See interactive map)


This is the final version of this assignment. Please comment on this one.

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1 Comment

  1. I really enjoy the dream theme of this piece and the use of light watercolors to convey a dream-like feeling. It works incredibly well since watercolor isn’t the most pigmited of all the mediums of paints. The texture of the brushstrokes in the hair is super fun and my eyes were immediately drawn to it. I also like how you choose to draw a “relatable” painting since everyone dreams. I would like to see the cherry blossom tree a bit fuller and maybe some more shades of pink in it as well, possibly a longer trail of butterflies but this is more of a personal nitpick than a critique.

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