A small driving Pumpkin

Image Attribution: “A small driving Pumpkin” by Talia Michel-Isaac is licensed under CC0. (See interactive map)


Verb: Small, Adjective: Driving, Noun: Pumpkin.

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1 Comment

  1. In the drawing a “small driving pumpkin” I really enjoyed the subject matter itself, it has and almost whimsical feeling to it and reminds me of the children book series “Frog and Toad” I also enjoy the use of cross hatching and mark and line making as it adds visual contrast to the piece overall. I also enjoy the use of dark’s in the reigns of the pumpkin as it immediately draws your eye to it. The little mouse on the end of the reins works extremely well due to the pumpkin being so large and the mouse being so small, I think a small shadow under the mouse would add nicely as well as more of a glaring shadow underneath the pumpkin. Overall I really enjoy this piece and can’t wait to see what’s to come.

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